2 Perfect Eyebrow Shape Ideas For Oval Face Shapes

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For oval face shapes, the two perfect eyebrow shape ideas are eyebrows with a higher arch to flatter the forehead and draw attention to the eyes and cheekbones, and a soft angled eyebrow shape that goes straight up and gently curves round at the top and down. These eyebrow shapes create defined and sleek eyebrows that enhance the overall appearance of the face.

When it comes to finding the right eyebrow shape for an oval face, it’s important to consider the unique features of this face shape. Oval faces are known for their balanced proportions, with the forehead and jawline being of similar width.

To enhance the natural beauty of an oval face, two perfect eyebrow shape ideas are recommended. Firstly, eyebrows with a higher arch are ideal as they flatter the forehead and draw attention to the eyes and cheekbones. Secondly, a soft angled eyebrow shape, which goes straight up and then gently curves round at the top and down, adds definition and sleekness to the face. By following these eyebrow shape ideas, individuals with oval faces can achieve flattering and balanced eyebrows that enhance their overall appearance.

2 Perfect Eyebrow Shape Ideas For Oval Face Shapes

Credit: www.stylecraze.com

The Best Eyebrow Shapes For Oval Faces

2 Perfect Eyebrow Shape Ideas For Oval Face Shapes – The Best Eyebrow Shapes for Oval Faces

What eyebrows look best on an oval face? When you have an oval face, eyebrows with a higher arch flatter your forehead and draw attention to your eyes and cheekbones. Using the Ultimate Brow Bundle, you can create a defined, sleek eyebrow shape you will feel confident about.

High Arches

One of the best eyebrow shapes for oval faces is the high arch. This arch creates a flattering and elegant look that accentuates the natural contours of your face. By raising the arch towards the outer edge of the eyebrow, you can create an illusion of a lifted and more defined eyebrow shape. The high arch works particularly well for oval faces as it adds definition to the forehead and highlights the eyes and cheekbones.

When shaping your eyebrows with a high arch, make sure to avoid overplucking the inner corner of the brows. Let the inner part of the brow follow its natural shape and gradually increase the arch as you move towards the outer corner.

Soft Angled Eyebrow Shape

Another perfect eyebrow shape for oval faces is the soft angled shape. This shape features a gentle arch that goes straight up and then curves softly at the top and down. The soft angled shape is ideal for oval faces as it creates a balanced and harmonious look.

To achieve the soft angled shape, start by grooming and shaping your brows with a spoolie brush. Then, using an eyebrow pencil or powder, create a gentle arch that follows the natural shape of your eyebrows. Remember to soften the top of the arch and extend it slightly towards the outer corner of your eye. This will enhance the symmetry of your face and add a subtle lift to your features.

When it comes to finding the perfect eyebrow shape for oval faces, opt for high arches or soft angled shapes. These eyebrow shapes complement the natural contours of an oval face, highlighting the eyes, cheekbones, and forehead. Remember to always groom and shape your eyebrows to suit your individual features and preferences.

2 Perfect Eyebrow Shape Ideas For Oval Face Shapes

Credit: www.pinterest.com

How To Determine Your Face Shape

To determine your face shape, consider using eyebrow shape ideas specifically for oval faces. A higher-arched eyebrow flatters your forehead and draws attention to your eyes and cheekbones, creating a defined and sleek look.


When it comes to shaping your eyebrows, it’s important to consider your face shape. The right eyebrow shape can enhance your features and give you a polished, put-together look. In this blog post, we will focus on oval face shapes and explore two perfect eyebrow shape ideas that will flatter this face shape. But before we dive into the eyebrow shapes, let’s first understand how to determine your face shape.

Determining your face shape is the first step in finding the perfect eyebrow shape. Here are a few simple steps to help you identify your face shape:

  1. Start by pulling your hair back and examining the overall shape of your face.
  2. Measure the width of your forehead, cheeks, and jawline.
  3. Compare the measurements to determine the proportions of your face.
  4. Once you have the measurements, you can identify your face shape. The most common face shapes are oval, round, square, heart, and diamond.

Now that you know how to determine your face shape, let’s focus on the oval face shape and explore two perfect eyebrow shape ideas that will complement this face shape.

Square Face

A square face shape is characterized by a strong jawline and equal width of the forehead and cheekbones. To soften the angles of a square face shape, opt for eyebrows with a soft arch. The arch should not be too high or too low, but rather create a gentle curve. This will help balance the strong features of a square face and add a touch of femininity.

Oval Face

An oval face shape is considered the most balanced and versatile face shape. If you have an oval face, you are lucky because almost any eyebrow shape will suit you. However, there are two perfect eyebrow shape ideas that can enhance your natural beauty.

  1. High Arch: For oval faces, eyebrows with a higher arch are highly recommended. A higher arch flatters your forehead and draws attention to your eyes and cheekbones. Use the Ultimate Brow Bundle to create a defined, sleek eyebrow shape that will make you feel confident.
  2. Soft Angled Shape: Another eyebrow shape that complements oval faces is the soft angled shape. This shape goes straight up and then gently curves round at the top and down. It adds a touch of elegance and emphasizes the natural features of an oval face.

Now that you have two eyebrow shape ideas for your oval face shape, it’s time to put them into practice. Consider trying them out and see which one suits you best.

Brow Mapping Course

If you want to take your eyebrow shaping skills to the next level, consider enrolling in a brow mapping course. Brow mapping is a technique that involves measuring and mapping out the ideal eyebrow shape based on the individual’s face shape and features. It’s a valuable skill that can help you create perfect eyebrow shapes for any face shape.


Finding The Perfect Eyebrow Shape For Your Face

When it comes to achieving the perfect eyebrows, one size does not fit all. Different face shapes require different eyebrow shapes to enhance their unique features. If you have an oval face shape, there are two eyebrow shape ideas that can flatter your facial structure. By paying attention to your forehead and chin shape, you can find the ideal eyebrow shape that will bring balance and harmony to your face.

Forehead Wider Than Jawline

For those with a forehead wider than their jawline and a more pointed chin, the key is to create a balanced look. Slightly thicker, straight brows with a soft, rounded arch are perfect for this face shape. Thickening your eyebrows will help visually shorten your face, while the rounded arch adds softness and complements your pointed chin. This shape will create a harmonious balance between your forehead and jawline, enhancing your oval face shape.

Pointed Chin

If you have a diamond-shaped face, characterized by wide cheekbones, a small forehead, and a pointed chin, rounded arches are your go-to eyebrow shape. This shape emphasizes your cheekbones, while the soft curve of the rounded arch helps soften the angles of your face. The rounded arch also helps to draw attention away from your pointed chin, creating a more balanced and flattering look.

By determining the shape of your forehead and chin, you can easily find the perfect eyebrow shape for your oval face. Thicker, straight brows with a soft, rounded arch are ideal for those with a wider forehead and pointed chin. On the other hand, diamond-shaped faces can benefit from eyebrows with rounded arches, which highlight the cheekbones and soften the angles of the face. Experiment with these eyebrow shape ideas and find the perfect shape that enhances your unique features!

Avoiding Eyebrow Shapes That Don’t Suit Oval Faces

Enhance your oval face shape with these two perfect eyebrow shape ideas. Opt for a higher arch to flatter your forehead and draw attention to your eyes and cheekbones. Create a defined, sleek eyebrow shape with the Ultimate Brow Bundle for a confident and flattering look.

Arched Brows

If you have an oval face shape and are looking to avoid eyebrow shapes that don’t suit your face, one option to consider is arched brows. Arched brows can help to flatter your forehead and draw attention to your eyes and cheekbones. With a higher arch, you can create a defined and sleek eyebrow shape that will make you feel confident and enhance your natural beauty. To achieve the perfect arched brows for your oval face shape, consider using the Ultimate Brow Bundle. This bundle provides you with all the tools you need to create a stunning eyebrow shape, including stencils that are designed specifically for different face shapes.

Long Face

When it comes to oval face shapes, it’s important to consider the length of your face. If you have a long face, you can opt for a flat eyebrow shape to help balance your features and make your face appear shorter. A flat eyebrow shape accomplishes this by creating a horizontal line across your forehead. To find the perfect eyebrow shape for your long face, look for slightly thicker, straight brows with a soft, rounded arch. This will help to balance out your features and create a harmonious look. Rounded arches are also great for diamond-shaped faces, where the cheekbones are wide but the forehead and chin are smaller. Remember, finding the right eyebrow shape for your face is all about achieving balance and enhancing your features. Experiment with different shapes and styles until you find the one that suits you best.

Tips And Tricks For Achieving The Perfect Eyebrows

When it comes to achieving the perfect eyebrows for an oval face shape, consider opting for higher arches to flatter your forehead and draw attention to your eyes and cheekbones. The Ultimate Brow Bundle can help you create a sleek and defined eyebrow shape that will boost your confidence.

When it comes to achieving the perfect eyebrows for your oval-shaped face, it’s important to consider the right shape and style. Eyebrows can significantly enhance and frame your face, so finding the right eyebrow shape is essential. Here are some tips and tricks to help you achieve the perfect eyebrows that complement your oval face shape.

Eyebrow Color

Choosing the right eyebrow color is crucial for a natural and balanced look. When determining the ideal shade, consider your hair color and skin tone. It’s generally recommended to choose a color that is one to two shades lighter than your hair color if you have dark hair, and one to two shades darker if you have light hair. This creates a subtle and harmonious contrast that complements your oval face shape.

Eyebrow Styles Through Time

Brows have gone through various trends and styles throughout history, and understanding the different eyebrow styles can help you choose the best one for your oval face shape. Here are a few popular eyebrow styles:

  1. Thin and High Arched Brows: This style was popular in the 1920s and 1930s and can add a vintage touch to your look. However, it’s important to ensure it suits your features and complements the oval face shape.
  2. Natural and Full Brows: This style became popular in recent years, emphasizing a more natural look. It involves growing out your eyebrows and filling them in lightly for a soft and effortless appearance.
  3. Defined and Structured Brows: This style features a defined shape with clean lines and a prominent arch. It adds definition to your face and can be achieved using brow products like pomades or gels.

Experimenting with different eyebrow styles can help you find the perfect look that enhances your oval face shape.

2 Perfect Eyebrow Shape Ideas For Oval Face Shapes

Credit: www.stylecraze.com

Frequently Asked Questions On 2 Perfect Eyebrow Shape Ideas For Oval Face Shapes

What Eyebrows Look Best On An Oval Face?

For an oval face, eyebrows with a higher arch flatter your forehead and draw attention to your eyes and cheekbones. The soft angled shape is also attractive, with gentle curves.

Which Eyebrow Shape Is Most Attractive?

The most attractive eyebrow shape is the soft angled shape, which goes straight up and gently curves round at the top and down. It flatters different face shapes and helps make the face appear shorter. High arches are also ideal for oval faces, as they draw attention to the eyes and cheekbones.

How Do I Find The Perfect Eyebrow Shape For My Face?

To find the perfect eyebrow shape for your face, consider your face shape. For oval faces, eyebrows with a higher arch flatter the forehead and draw attention to the eyes and cheekbones. For wider foreheads and pointed chins, slightly thicker, straight brows with a soft, rounded arch will balance features.

Rounded arches also work well for diamond-shaped faces.

Is It Rare To Have 2 Different Eyebrow Shapes?

It is not rare to have two different eyebrow shapes. Many people naturally have asymmetrical eyebrows, and it is completely normal.


With an oval face shape, it’s all about creating an eyebrow shape that flatters your features. Opt for eyebrows with a higher arch to draw attention to your eyes and cheekbones. The soft angled eyebrow shape is a popular choice, as it goes straight up and gently curves round at the top and down.

Another option is the classic center-arched brow, which gives a classically beautiful look. Experiment with these shapes and find the one that enhances your natural beauty. With the right eyebrow shape, you’ll feel confident and stunning.

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