6 Best Dht Blocker Foods For Hair Loss And Tips to Reduce It

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Some of the best DHT blocker foods for hair loss include saw palmetto, pumpkin seed oil, nettle root extract, green tea extract, and pygeum bark extract. Incorporating these ingredients into your diet can help block DHT and promote hair growth naturally.

Hair loss is a common concern for many individuals, and one of the main culprits behind it is DHT, or dihydrotestosterone. DHT is a hormone that can cause hair follicles to shrink and eventually stop producing hair. While there are medications and treatments available to combat hair loss, many people prefer to take a natural approach.

One effective way to reduce DHT levels and support hair regrowth is through a DHT blocker diet. By including specific foods in your meals, you can naturally inhibit DHT production and promote the growth of healthy, thick hair. We will explore the six best DHT blocker foods for hair loss and provide tips on how to incorporate them into your diet for optimal results.

6 Best Dht Blocker Foods For Hair Loss And Tips to Reduce It

Best Dht Blocker Foods For Hair Loss

Are you tired of dealing with hair loss? I wonder if there are any natural solutions to combat it. Look no further, because we have compiled a list of the best DHT-blocker foods that can help reduce hair loss and promote hair growth. Incorporating these foods into your diet can make a significant difference in maintaining a healthy head of hair. Let’s dive in and explore the top DHT-blocker foods:


Blueberries are not only delicious, but they are also packed with antioxidants and vitamins, including vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for collagen production, which plays a crucial role in hair health. Including blueberries in your diet can help strengthen your hair strands and combat hair loss.

Green Tea

Derived from the Camellia sinensis plant, green tea is one of the most popular drinks worldwide. It is rich in antioxidants and compounds that block the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Sipping on a cup of green tea daily can give your hair the boost it needs to stay healthy and strong.


Turmeric is a spice known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It contains curcumin, which has been found to block DHT. Adding turmeric to your meals can not only enhance the flavor but also promote hair growth and reduce hair loss.

Pumpkin Seed Oil/Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a great source of zinc, which plays a vital role in hair growth. Additionally, they are rich in phytosterols that help block the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to DHT. Including pumpkin seed oil or pumpkin seeds in your diet can help combat hair loss and promote healthier hair.


Not only is it a delicious and nutritious snack, but bananas also contain biotin, a vitamin that supports healthy hair growth. They also contain potassium, which keeps hair follicles healthy and strengthens hair strands. Including bananas in your diet can nourish your hair from within.


Edamame, also known as soybeans, contains a substance called equol that has been found to block DHT. It is also a great source of healthy proteins, which are essential for hair growth. Adding edamame to your meals can provide your hair with the necessary nutrients for growth and strength.


Almonds are not only a convenient and delicious snack, but they are also packed with nutrients that promote hair health. They are rich in biotin, vitamin E, and magnesium, all of which are essential for hair growth and reducing hair loss. Including a handful of almonds in your daily diet can do wonders for your hair.


Carrots are loaded with beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in promoting a healthy scalp and supporting hair growth. Adding carrots to your diet can provide the necessary vitamin A to nourish your hair follicles and combat hair loss.

6 Best Dht Blocker Foods For Hair Loss And Tips to Reduce It

Tips To Reduce Dht

Reducing DHT levels can be beneficial for preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth. Incorporating certain foods and lifestyle habits into your routine can help reduce DHT levels naturally. Here are some effective tips to reduce DHT:

Green Tea

Green tea, derived from the Camellia sinensis plant, is one of the most popular drinks worldwide. It contains compounds like EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) that have been shown to inhibit the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone into DHT. Incorporating green tea into your daily routine can help reduce DHT levels and promote hair growth.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil, derived from the kernel or meat of coconuts, has been used for centuries for its various health benefits. It contains lauric acid, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-androgenic properties. Massaging your scalp with coconut oil can help reduce DHT levels and promote a healthy scalp environment for hair growth.

Onions (and Other Foods Rich In Quercetin)

Onions and other foods rich in quercetin, such as apples, berries, and kale, contain a natural compound that acts as a potent DHT blocker. Quercetin inhibits the enzyme responsible for the conversion of testosterone into DHT, thereby reducing DHT levels. Including these foods in your diet can help prevent hair loss caused by DHT.


Turmeric, a popular spice known for its anti-inflammatory properties, may also help block DHT. Curcumin, the main compound in turmeric, has been found to inhibit the enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT. Adding turmeric to your meals or consuming it as a supplement can help reduce DHT levels and promote hair growth.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc, which plays a crucial role in regulating hormone levels, including DHT. Consuming pumpkin seeds regularly can help balance DHT levels and promote hair growth. They can be enjoyed as a healthy snack or added to salads, smoothies, or oatmeal.


Edamame, also known as soybeans, is a protein-rich legume that contains compounds called isoflavones. These isoflavones have been shown to inhibit the activity of the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone into DHT. Including edamame in your diet can help reduce DHT levels and support hair health.

Additional Foods That Block Dht

Include additional foods that block DHT in your diet to combat hair loss. These include blueberries, green tea, turmeric, pumpkin seed oil, bananas, edamame, almonds, and carrots. By incorporating these foods into your daily meals, you can naturally reduce DHT levels and promote hair growth.

If you are experiencing hair loss and looking for natural ways to combat it, incorporating DHT-blocker foods into your diet can be an effective solution. DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, is a hormone that plays a key role in hair loss. By reducing DHT levels in your body, you can promote hair growth and prevent further hair loss. Apart from the commonly known DHT blocker foods like saw palmetto and pumpkin seed oil, there are some additional foods that have been found to block DHT. Let’s explore these foods and understand how they can help reduce DHT levels.


Tomatoes are not only a delicious addition to your meals, but they also contain compounds that can block DHT. One of these compounds is lycopene, which not only gives tomatoes their vibrant red color but also acts as a natural DHT blocker. By incorporating tomatoes or tomato-based products into your diet, such as pasta sauces or salads, you can help reduce DHT levels and promote hair health.


Popeye had his reasons for loving spinach, and one of them could be its potential to block DHT. Spinach is rich in iron, vitamin C, and folate, which are essential for healthy hair growth. Additionally, spinach contains compounds that can help inhibit the conversion of testosterone into DHT, reducing its negative effects on hair follicles. Including spinach in your diet through salads, smoothies, or cooked dishes can contribute to healthier hair.


Almonds are not just a tasty and nutritious snack; they are also an excellent source of biotin and vitamin E. Biotin is known to promote hair growth, while vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that can support scalp health. These nutrients, combined with almonds’ potential to block DHT, make them a valuable addition to a hair-healthy diet. Snack on a handful of almonds or sprinkle them on salads and cereals to reap their benefits.


Walnuts are another nut that can help block DHT and promote hair growth. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit the scalp and hair follicles. In addition, walnuts contain biotin and vitamin E, which further contribute to maintaining healthy hair. Snacking on walnuts or adding them to your meals can provide a nutritious boost for your hair.


Flaxseeds are small but mighty when it comes to blocking DHT. They contain lignans, which are natural compounds that have been found to inhibit the formation of DHT. Flaxseeds are also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein, making them a powerhouse of nutrition for your hair. Consider adding ground flaxseeds to your smoothies, yogurt, or baked goods to enjoy their DHT-blocking benefits.


Mushrooms are not only delicious fungi; they also offer DHT-blocking properties. Certain types of mushrooms, such as shiitake and white button mushrooms, contain compounds that can inhibit the activity of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, responsible for converting testosterone into DHT. By incorporating mushrooms into your meals, you can support healthy hair growth and reduce the effects of DHT on your follicles.

Green Peas

Green peas might be small, but they are packed with nutrients that can help block DHT. They are an excellent source of vitamin C, which can promote collagen production and aid in hair growth. Green peas also contain phytoestrogens, which can help regulate hormone levels and potentially reduce the conversion of testosterone into DHT. Include green peas in your meals or as a side dish to support your hair health.

6 Best Dht Blocker Foods For Hair Loss And Tips to Reduce It

Frequently Asked Questions On 6 Best Dht Blocker Foods For Hair Loss And Tips To Reduce It

What Is The Best Natural Dht Blocker For Hair Loss?

Saw palmetto, pumpkin seed oil, nettle root extract, green tea extract, and pygeum bark extract are the best natural DHT blockers for hair loss. They have proven to block DHT and promote hair growth.

How Can I Block Dht And Regrow Hair Naturally?

To block DHT and regrow hair naturally, you can try natural remedies such as saw palmetto, pumpkin seed oil, nettle root extract, green tea extract, and pygeum bark extract. These ingredients have been shown to effectively block DHT and promote hair growth.

Do Eggs Reduce Dht?

No, eggs do not reduce DHT. They are high in protein and contain lysine, which is beneficial for hair health, but they do not directly block DHT. Consider other natural DHT blockers like saw palmetto, pumpkin seed oil, nettle root extract, green tea extract, and pygeum bark extract.

Does Turmeric Milk Stop Dht?

Turmeric milk may block DHT, the hormone responsible for hair loss. Turmeric contains curcumin, which has shown potential in blocking DHT. Other natural DHT blockers include saw palmetto, pumpkin seed oil, nettle root extract, green tea extract, and pygeum bark extract.

These ingredients promote hair growth.


Natural DHT blockers like saw palmetto, pumpkin seed oil, nettle root extract, green tea extract, and pygeum bark extract have been proven effective in blocking DHT and promoting hair growth. Incorporating foods such as blueberries, green tea, turmeric, pumpkin seeds, bananas, almonds, and carrots into your diet can also help reduce DHT levels.

Remember, maintaining a balanced diet that includes these DHT blocker foods can have a positive impact on your overall hair health. So, make sure to include these foods in your diet for healthier and fuller hair.

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