Causes And Treatment Of Itchy Scalp During Pregnancy

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During pregnancy, hormonal changes can cause an itchy scalp. Using neem as a traditional remedy can offer immediate relief and reduce dandruff.

Additionally, taking a cool bath, using unperfumed lotion or soap, and using a prescription medicine like ursodiol can help soothe itchiness during pregnancy. External issues like buildup and scalp infections can also lead to itchy scalps, which can be treated with coconut oil.

Itching on the palms of the hands without a rash may be a symptom of cholestasis of pregnancy.

Causes And Treatment Of Itchy Scalp During Pregnancy

Causes Of Itchy Scalp During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative experience for many women, but it can also bring about various changes in the body. One joint discomfort that pregnant women may experience is an itchy scalp. The causes of an itchy scalp during pregnancy can be attributed to hormonal changes, changes in blood chemicals, and dryness and irritation.

Hormonal Changes

During pregnancy, the body undergoes significant hormonal fluctuations. Hormone increases, such as estrogen and progesterone, can affect the scalp and cause itchiness. These hormonal changes can disrupt the scalp’s natural balance, leading to dryness, inflammation, and itchiness. It is important to note that every woman’s hormonal response during pregnancy is unique, and some women may experience more severe scalp itchiness than others.

Changes In Blood Chemicals

In addition to hormonal changes, pregnancy can also cause changes in blood chemicals. One such change is increased blood flow to the skin, including the scalp. This increased blood flow can lead to heightened sensitivity in the scalp, making it more susceptible to itchiness and irritation. Additionally, changes in blood chemistry, such as elevated levels of certain substances, can contribute to scalp itchiness during pregnancy.

Dryness And Irritation

Pregnancy can also cause dryness and scalp irritation, leading to itchiness. The skin on the scalp may become more sensitive and prone to dryness due to hormonal changes and increased blood flow. External factors, such as using harsh hair products or exposure to environmental irritants, can further aggravate the scalp and contribute to itchiness. Maintaining proper scalp hygiene and using gentle, moisturizing products to help alleviate dryness and irritation is essential.

In conclusion, an itchy scalp during pregnancy can be caused by hormonal changes, changes in blood chemicals, and dryness and irritation. Understanding these causes can help women find relief and take the necessary measures to maintain scalp health during this transformative period.

Treatment For Itchy Scalp During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, hormonal changes can cause an itchy scalp. One home remedy is neem, a traditional dandruff remedy that offers immediate relief from itching. Another option is taking a cool bath or using unperfumed lotion to soothe the itching.

Natural Remedies

An itchy scalp can be pretty bothersome during pregnancy, but several natural remedies can provide relief. These remedies are safe for both the mother and the baby, as they are chemical-free and gentle on the scalp. Here are some effective natural remedies for treating itchy scalps during pregnancy:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar: Dilute apple cider vinegar with water and apply it to your scalp. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing it off. Apple cider vinegar helps to balance the scalp’s pH and reduce itchiness.
  • Aloe vera gel: Apply fresh aloe vera gel directly to your scalp. Aloe vera has soothing properties that can calm itchiness and irritation.
  • Coconut oil: Massage warm coconut oil onto your scalp and leave it on overnight. Coconut oil helps to moisturize and nourish the scalp, reducing itching and dryness.
  • Tea tree oil: Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, and apply it to your scalp. Tea tree oil has antifungal properties that can alleviate itchiness caused by fungal infections.


If natural remedies do not provide sufficient relief, your healthcare provider may recommend certain medications to alleviate itchiness on the scalp during pregnancy. It is essential to consult with your healthcare provider before using any medicine during pregnancy. Some common medications prescribed for itchy scalps during pregnancy include:

  • Antihistamines: Antihistamines can help reduce itching by blocking the release of histamines, which are responsible for allergic reactions.
  • Topical corticosteroids: Topical corticosteroids can help reduce inflammation and alleviate itching. However, these should be used under the guidance of a healthcare provider and in limited quantities.
  • Prescription shampoos: Prescription shampoos containing ingredients like ketoconazole or selenium sulfide may be recommended to treat underlying scalp conditions that cause itching.

Avoidance Of Certain Products

Avoiding certain hair care products that can further irritate the scalp and worsen itchiness is essential during pregnancy. Here are some products to avoid:

  • Fragrant hair care products: products with solid perfumes or fragrances can irritate the scalp. Opt for fragrance-free or unscented products during pregnancy.
  • Harsh chemical treatments: Avoid chemical treatments such as hair dyes, perms, and relaxers, as they can further dry out and irritate the scalp.
  • Overuse of styling products: Excessive use of styling products like gels, hairsprays, and mousses can lead to product buildup on the scalp, causing itchiness. Opt for lightweight, oil-free products or limit their use.

You can effectively manage and treat itchy scalps during pregnancy by implementing these natural remedies, using medications under medical guidance, and avoiding certain products. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized recommendations and to ensure your and your baby’s safety.

Preventing And Managing Itchy Scalp During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, hormonal changes can cause an itchy scalp. To prevent and manage this, try using neem paste or solutions for immediate relief and to reduce dandruff. Additionally, a cornstarch or oatmeal bath can relieve your skin.

Maintaining Proper Hygiene

During pregnancy, it is crucial to maintain proper hygiene to prevent and manage itchy scalps. Keeping your scalp clean and free from dirt, oils, and product buildup can help alleviate itching. Here are some tips to maintain proper hygiene:

  • Wash your hair regularly using a mild shampoo designed explicitly for itchy scalps.
  • Avoid excessive amounts of hair products such as gels, hairsprays, or oils that can weigh down your hair and contribute to itchiness.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly to ensure all shampoo and conditioner are entirely washed out.

Caring For The Scalp

Caring for your scalp is essential to preventing and managing itchiness during pregnancy. Here are some ways to care for your scalp:

  • Avoid scratching your scalp, as it can further irritate and worsen the itchiness.
  • Use a wide-toothed comb or a brush with soft bristles to gently comb your hair and stimulate blood circulation on your scalp.
  • Avoid using heat-styling tools such as flat irons or curling irons, as they can dry out your scalp and exacerbate itchiness.
  • Use natural remedies such as tea tree oil, aloe vera gel, or coconut oil to soothe and moisturize your scalp.

Seeking Medical Advice

If you’re experiencing persistent and severe itchiness on your scalp during pregnancy, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional. They can provide appropriate medical advice and treatment options to alleviate your discomfort. Some possible medical interventions include:

  • Prescription medications such as antihistamines or topical corticosteroids reduce inflammation and itching.
  • Specialized shampoos or scalp treatments are recommended by your doctor.
  • Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider are necessary to monitor and manage any underlying conditions contributing to your itchy scalp.

Maintaining proper hygiene, caring for your scalp, and seeking medical advice when necessary can effectively prevent and manage itchy scalps during pregnancy. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider before trying any new products or treatments to ensure your and your baby’s safety.

Causes And Treatment Of Itchy Scalp During Pregnancy

Causes And Treatment Of Itchy Scalp During Pregnancy

Frequently Asked Questions For Causes And Treatment Of Itchy Scalp During Pregnancy

How Do You Get Rid Of Itchy Scalp During Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, you can get rid of itchy scalp by using neem paste or solutions, which offer immediate relief and reduce dandruff. You can also try a cornstarch or oatmeal bath to soothe the skin naturally. Additionally, taking cool baths and using unperfumed lotion or soap may help.

If the itching is intense, your pregnancy care provider may recommend medicines like ursodiol.

What Home Remedy Can I Use To Stop Itching During Pregnancy?

One home remedy to stop itching during pregnancy is to take a cornstarch or oatmeal bath. Both cornstarch and oatmeal have properties that can calm irritated skin and provide relief. You can also try using unperfumed lotion or soap to soothe the itching.

How Can I Stop Hormonal Itching During Pregnancy?

To stop hormonal itching during pregnancy, try taking a cool bath or applying unperfumed lotion or moisturizer to soothe the itchiness. You can also consider using neem as a traditional remedy or try a cornstarch or oatmeal bath for natural relief.

If the itching is intense, consult your pregnancy care provider for possible prescription medicine options.

Which Medicine Is Best For Itching During Pregnancy?

Your pregnancy care provider may recommend taking a prescription medicine called ursodiol (Actigall, Urso, Urso Forte) to relieve itching during pregnancy caused by intense itching. Other medicines may also be an option.


During pregnancy, hormonal changes can lead to an itchy scalp. Luckily, there are several treatment options available. Using neem, a traditional remedy, can provide immediate relief and reduce the occurrence of dandruff. Additionally, a cool bath or moisturizer can help soothe the itching.

It’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider for further guidance and explore potential medications that may alleviate the discomfort. Remember, finding the proper treatment for your itchy scalp during pregnancy is essential for your comfort and well-being.

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